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Key to Ribes

Key to Ribes

Key to Wasatch-Bear Ribes

Plant stems with spines at least at the internodes or with bristles throughout

Plants lacking spines or bristles


Plants with stipular spines and occasionally with a few internodal spines; Inflorescence with few flowers, generally 4 or less; berry glabrous, reddish-purple

ID (Bear Lake, Franklin), UT (Cache, Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Weber)

Whitestem gooseberry
Ribes inerme

Plants with bristles covering the stems, not only at internodes; berries stipitate-glandular, red to purple


Inflorescence with numerous flowers, generally 7 or more; berry dark purple

UT (Cache, Salt Lake, Summit, Wasatch)

Prickly currant
Ribes lacustre
Inflorescence with few flowers; berry red to reddish-brown

ID (Bear Lake, Franklin), UT (Cache, Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Weber)

Gooseberry currant
Ribes montigenum

Plants with yellow flowers; leaf margins more or less smoothly rounded and glabrous; berries highly variable in color (golden, orange, red, purplish to blackish) and glabrous

ID (Bear Lake, Franklin), UT (Cache, Davis, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Weber)

Golden currant
Ribes aureum
Plants with white, greenish-white, to pinkish flowers; leaves glabrous to variously pubescent, glandlular;


Plants strongly aromatic (somewhat skunk-like in odor); lower leaf surfaces with yellow glands; flowers 20-30 per raceme; berries blackish, more or less glabrous except for sessile glands; plants growing along streams associated with aspen or conifer ecosystems.
ID (Bear Lake), UT (Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch)

Western Black Currant
Ribes hudsonianum
Plants not aromatic; flowers generally less than 20 per raceme; plants of a variety of habitats,  but generally in upland rather than riparian hatiats


Leaves 1-3 cm wide; berries reddish, sparingly glandular

ID (Bear Lake), UT (Cache, Rich, Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Weber)

Wax Currant
Ribes cereum
Leaves broader; berries blackish, glandular


Hypantheum tubular with spreading petals; 4-12 per flowers raceme; leaves glandular, sticky

UT (Cache, Morgan, Salt Lake, Summit, Utah, Wasatch)

Sticky Currant
Ribes viscosissimum
Hypantheum saucer-shaped, also with spreading petals; 8-16 flowers per raceme; leaves sometimes glandular-hairy beneath, but often glabrous

UT (Salt Lake, Utah)

Wolf’s Currant
Ribes wolfii


Ribes aureum
Ribes cereum
Ribes hudsonianum (very aromatice leaves)
Ribes hudsonianum smooth berries (see R. wolfii in comparison)

Ribes lacustre

Ribes montigenum

Ribes viscosissimum

Ribes wolfii

Ribes wolfii with glandular berries

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks for this useful website. No need to publish my comment I just wanted to drop a line and say I think you may have accidentally mis-labeled one of the Ribes above. As you scroll down there is a spiny currant labeled R. wolfii I assume should be montigenum? Cheers, erica
